Two Liner Case Study Title Copy Goes Here

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Client Name Goes Here Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit

A brief information about the client goes here praesent risus
dui, hendrerit vitae sem sed, malesuada posuere urna.
Curabitur consectetur elit nec libero mattis imperdiet. Sed
semper facilisis nulla vel eleifend. Fusce porttitor dui sem, quis
vestibulum elit dapibus id.

The Challenge

Praesent Enim Massa, Mattis Nec Diam Eu, Egestas Ultricies Nibh

Mauris lobortis aliquam laoreet suspendisse metus justo, mattis sed sem eu.

Nullam tincidunt augue convallis risus laoreet lacinia. Cras
ultrices, nisi vitae ultrices suscipit, turpis tellus sagittis lorem,
eget interdum odio lacus nec lectus. Donec vel erat non lectus
vehicula convallis eu vel nisl. Duis nec enim pharetra, pulvinar
lorem vitae, scelerisque ipsum. Duis pretium posuere quam sed
pulvinar. Proin eleifend iaculis egestas. Fusce dignissim odio
quis velit aliquet blandit. Cras ultrices ante metus. Ut placerat,
massa dignissim bibendum tempus, turpis nisi egestas velit, ut
semper dolor felis ut ligula. Donec lobortis massa sit amet
consectetur auctor.

Our Solution

Usce Scelerisque A Nunc Ac Imperdiet. Vestibulum Ac Odio


Donec Tristique Et Turpis Ac Rhoncus Praesent Velit Erat

Donec Vel Erat Non Lectus Vehicula Convallis Eu Vel Nisl Duis Nec Enim Pharetra Pulvinar Lorem

Mauris lobortis aliquam laoreet suspendisse metus
justo, mattis sed sem eu, condimentum imperdiet
lorem. Praesent tortor mi, pharetra id pretium a

  • Fusce scelerisque a nunc ac
    imperdiet. Vestibulum ac odio nulla.
  • Quisque commodo gravida semper. Nulla sit amet
  • Nulla pulvinar condimentum lacus, sit amet tempus nisi porta.
  • Nam suscipit luctus neque, vitae convallis velit

Mauris lobortis aliquam laoreet suspendisse
metus justo, mattis sed sem

Experience the Gallop Track Difference

Hear why race clubs trust us Australia-wide


The new Gallop Track surface we have in our
arena at Ellerston Onassis Polo has been a
massive help to our training routine.

With all this rain recently, we have been riding up to 90 horses a day in the arena. With a quick groom from our Gallop Track groom the arena is always ready for practise chukkas or schooling whenever we want.

The surface has great grip and give for the horses to be worked hard at any time of the day, any time of the year.

It’s amazing how quiet the surface rides too.

James Harper

Ellerston Onassis Polo

Hunter Valley, NSW


Our initial concerns was “would the existing material blend with the new material” and following numerous test samples we were comfortable to move a head with the project with Gallop Track.

Working 14 days straight, the process was very
thorough and professional. The track was
reopened for track work and initial reaction and
feedback has been very positive, we have
also just encountered yet another flood and the
newly renovated Synthetic/Gallop Track was
nothing short
of fantastic.

The post service support and follow up has been
great and I look forward to continuing a long and
positive relationship moving forward with
Gallop Track.

Daniel Beckhaus

Track Manager


A New Racing Industry Product

That Solves Long Term Problems, Increasing Safety to Both Jockey and Horse