ECA Rebound Matt System

Rebound Safety Matt & Rebound Stability Matt

With the near completion of several years research and development from ECA, The Austrlain Racin Industry will now be able to access crossovers that can support the movement of heavy vehicles such as tractors, cars, buses and the like while being able to meet the performance of a well-presented turf track.

With the introduction of the unique “Rebound Safety Matt & Rebound Stability Mattwe can provide exceptional drainage and cushioning in the footing.  While reducing the bottom end compaction of the surface we can now incorporate a more resilient surface to the crossings.

  • Equine Safety Matt provides relief of compaction in the lower section of the surface profile, while providing high levels of vertical & horizontal drainage.  The Matt is suitable for vehicles that weigh are 15 tonne or below.  
  • Equine Stability Matt provides a greater support to crossings where heavy trucks, buses & high-volume traffic need to access the infields.
  • Equine Crossing Rebound Matt system provides stability with cushioning allowing horses and vehicles access.
    • Has a stability matt providing support for vehicles 15 tonne or greater.
    • Surface that provides rebound and open drainage.
    • Footing can be either a free draining non watering system surface using green pigment to match adjoining surface.   If this is not suitable we can us a fibre sand surface with green dye.

A New Racing Track Product

That Solves Long Term
Problems, Increasing Safety
to Both Horse and Jockey

Jye McNeil

  • Victorian Metropolitan Jockey
    Premiership Winner 2021-2022
  • Melbourne Cup Winner 2020
  • Ridden over 890 Winners

“I rode on the new ECA Crossing that is installed at Flemington last Friday. It was the safest crossing that I have been on in Australia. The horses felt great and showed no signs of even knowing that the crossover was there. These should be installed all
around Australia”

Curabitur finibus, neque bibendum facilisis tincidunt, nisi justo lacinia libero, in sodales massa nibh sollicitudin velit. Nunc lobortis non tellus id feugiat. Mauris magna nibh, porttitor vitae maximus id, elementum et odio. Vestibulum id posuere sem, nec bibendum nisi. Sed volutpat urna ante, sit amet volutpat purus scelerisque in. Morbi condimentum volutpat egestas. Morbi pretium massa dui, et cursus erat molestie ac. Vivamus eleifend consequat massa, et aliquet tortor vestibulum vel. Maecenas in lacinia elit, eget lacinia mi. vehicula congue lacus. Donec at odio et erat dapibus dictum vitae sit amet tortor. Proin iaculis sodales urna id egestas. Curabitur mollis venenatis ante a posuere.

A New Racing Track Product

That Solves Long Term
Problems, Increasing Safety
to Both Horse and Jockey

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet,

Integer vitae ex dapibus, luctus lectus a, euismod ante. Donec viverra molestie urna, in pellentesque ligula
elementum imperdiet. Maecenas id accumsan ex. Fusce pharetra ex sit amet mi dapibus porttitor. Etiam
ullamcorper dolor nulla, sit amet sollicitudin turpis dapibus at.

Sed varius, nibh et consequat sollicitudin, arcu risus iaculis neque, sed dapibus elit neque sed odio. Cras
efficitur in magna quis egestas. Nullam scelerisque purus quis leo convallis, ac mollis justo faucibus.
Vestibulum sollicitudin varius mauris, non malesuada nunc commodo ac.

Pellentesque ac nisi vel lacus vulputate luctus. Sed facilisis, dui sed malesuada feugiat, dolor ligula mollis enim,
nec tincidunt lorem tortor id justo. Integer lacinia, turpis eu tincidunt vestibulum, quam neque sollicitudin erat,

Sed faucibus ligula sollicitudin, dictum odio eu, pretium leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam at pharetra purus,
non eleifend diam. Mauris non ornare nulla. Sed vitae nulla auctor justo ullamcorper laoreet. Donec eu
nulla posuere, pretium nunc finibus, convallis nibh. Donec eget auctor diam, nec suscipit nisi. Nulla eu risus
a lectus fermentum porttitor. Nulla convallis, ex sed luctus vehicula, velit metus aliquet lectus, id tristique
magna nisl ac ligula. Morbi sit amet accumsan massa. Curabitur et finibus arcu. Nulla in velit id diam
dignissim eleifend.

Pellentesque ac nisi vel lacus vulputate luctus. Sed facilisis, dui sed malesuada feugiat, dolor ligula mollis
enim, nec tincidunt lorem tortor id justo. Integer lacinia, turpis eu tincidunt vestibulum, quam neque
sollicitudin erat, a dignissim lorem nibh ut orci. Praesent at enim sit amet enim sollicitudin laoreet. Integer
dui urna, condimentum vel dui eget, vehicula congue lacus. Donec at odio et erat dapibus dictum vitae sit
amet tortor. Proin iaculis sodales urna id egestas. Curabitur mollis venenatis ante a posuere.


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That Solves Long Term Problems, Increasing Safety to Both Jockey and Horse